How to Build a Brand: A Step-by-Step Branding Plan for Your IT Company


Want to know what sets successful businesses apart from unsuccessful ones? Having a successful brand development strategy is everything.

Consider some of the world's most sought-after businesses, such as Apple, Avaya, or Cisco. For instance, Apple is one of the world's most successful brands. Their advertising expenditure of $1.8 billion in 2015 alone is not an accident. We don't just think of Apple's products when we think of the company. We consider achievement, design, local area, and comfort. We perceive a connection between our relationship with Apple products and their benefits. Successful branding looks like this. Learn how to do this and create a successful brand development plan for your business.

How to Develop a Brand Development Strategy in Three Easy Steps ..

You probably found yourself here because you are unsure of where to begin in developing your brand. Do you require a rebrand, a brand refresh, or are you a startup in need of one? This three-step strategy will walk you through everything you need to do to create an effective brand for your business, regardless of what you need.

This guide is like a tower of blocks. Each block must be built on top of the previous one. Before you can make the visual elements of your brand, you need to know how to talk about your brand to your audience. The final step is to properly communicate your brand to the right people. All of this is necessary for developing a single, consistent brand.

Step 1: Verbalize and Begin with the Why..

The first step in developing a strong brand is communicating your business's message. This includes not only the words you use, but also where you are coming from and how people respond to them. The most influential businesses speak to us from the center of the circle, which Simon Sinek refers to as the golden circle.

Before they attempt to sell us their products, they demonstrate their fundamental beliefs. Apple's message elicits such a strong response from its audience because it goes against what the majority of businesses do.

Sinek made an important point: people buy why you do what you do, not what you do. Start by explaining why you get up in the morning and work for this company. At the point when you are roused to convey the brand's main goal and reason, you will motivate others and go about your best responsibilities.

Consider your company's purpose before moving on to what it does and how it operates when crafting your brand messaging. You need to be built for the job and know what your business stands for.

Step 2: Create a mental image...

The next step is to create a visual representation of your brand after you have established your business's voice and mission. Your brochures, business cards, and logo are all elements of your design. Before choosing a graphic font in bright red for your IT company logo, take some time to learn about the various visual elements that elicit different feelings. Pink is feminine and occasionally quirky, while red frequently arouses a sense of urgency. Customers' perceptions of your business are directly influenced by the colors you choose for its visual elements. Colors alone are not enough to communicate with your audience; The meaning we take away from a brand's design is influenced by typography, lines, shapes, size, and texture.

A very different message is conveyed simply by using horizontal or vertical lines. Horizontal lines symbolize contentment and peace, whereas vertical lines are frequently associated with masculinity. The next step is to include a style guide that lists all of these aspects. A style guide is a written document that describes your brand so that content produced for your business adheres to its colors, shapes, fonts, and voice.

Step 3: Vocalize...

When you vocalize your brand, you put it in front of the right people. To accomplish this, your business must have effective tools to present your brand to stakeholders. All of Cisco's platforms underwent a significant rebranding in 2018.

An interactive brand book on their website outlines their brand new look and future plans for the business. With all of its online assets, Cisco made the personality of its brand look presentable and easy to understand for investors and stakeholders.

They positioned themselves as one of the most innovative and helpful computer and IT companies on the market with the new slogan "bridge to possible."

Another brand, Avaya, has recently undergone a significant rebranding campaign to make it easier to connect its solutions and products. Avaya has grown from a private branch exchange into a business that provides intelligent experiences to its clients. They were able to accomplish this by changing the names of their products that no longer represented the purpose of the product. This, according to Jim Chirico, CEO of Avaya, makes their products more approachable and relatable to customers.

Ready to Create or Recreate Your Brand?

Therefore, curious minds want to know: When is the Best Time to Rebrand? As crucial as rebranding itself is knowing when to do so. When the connection between their solutions and products had grown beyond their previous branding, Cisco and Avaya both decided to rebrand. Rebranding ought to be a response to how your customers feel about your business. When your business has outgrown its initial image, this is an effort to reposition it in the public eye.

To conclude, what exactly is a brand development and why is it so crucial?

Your company's personality is your brand. The colors you use, the content you create, and your offline and online presence are all important. Because they are able to verbalize, visualize, and vocalize their company, Apple has a brand value of $234.2 million. If you want your technology company to succeed and outperform the competition, marketing and advertising must be carefully planned.

Because everything you do, say, and stand for is influenced by and developed by your brand, MarketDesign is all about assisting you in perfecting your brand development strategy. If you'd like to talk about your current business season, where to amplify your voice, and how to move your IT company forward, please get in touch.


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